About Us

The Diasporic Nigerian serves as your gateway to your new life in Canada. We   enhance awareness and foster connections for Nigerian immigrants in Canada through culturally sensitive resources delivered through various community   engagement avenues including interviews, business features, blog posts, events,   and more. Our mission is to facilitate a smoother transition, enabling you to settle   into Canada with ease. The Diasporic Nigerian provides a wide range of culturally sensitive resources to help Nigerian immigrants in Canada. These resources include language assistance, cultural orientation programs, networking opportunities with other Nigerian immigrants, access to Nigerian community events and celebrations, and support in navigating Canadian systems and services while preserving Nigerian cultural values and traditions.

Meet the founder.

This platform was founded by Mary Asekome, M.Ed. who immigrated to Canada   over a decade ago as a 16-year-old international student. Upon her arrival, she   immediately started looking for avenues to build connections with other Nigerians   around her. This led her to be actively involved in the Nigerian Student   Association  at York University where she served multiple leadership roles and   was able to support other Nigerian students on campus.

 After completing her undergraduate degree, she realized the lack of opportunities   for new immigrants to connect with established Nigerian immigrants in the country.  This led to the creation of The Diasporic Nigerian (TDN) in February 2019. Since then, TDN has evolved to better represent the growing needs of the Nigerian communities in Canada. So whether you’re coming to Canada for the first time or are already established here, TDN is committed to making sure you have access to as many resources as possible to make your stay in Canada worthwhile. Moving forward, TDN aims to expand its reach and impact by partnering with local organizations and institutions to provide even more comprehensive support to Nigerian immigrants in Canada. This includes offering mentorship programs, career development workshops, and advocating for policies that address the specific needs and challenges faced by the Nigerian community. TDN also plans to establish a stronger online presence to connect with a wider audience and provide virtual resources and support.